Briar Street Baptist Church is a missioned minded and motivated church. As a result we provide support for a number of missionaries and mission organizations. Listed below with links to their individual websites are those we support with our finances, action and prayer.

Gospel Light Foundation for the Blind

Gospel Light Foundation for the Blind seeks to be an extension of the local church by providing the materials to the blind that most local churches are unable to provide themselves. The GLFB ministry is dedicated to proclaiming the historic doctrines of the Christian faith. More than 3,000 recorded messages and books of grace preachers and Bible teachers are sent to the blind absolutely free on a read-and-return basis. Gospel Light offers to the blind anywhere in the world free Bible correspondence courses in Braille, large print, or by email.

MBCH - Missouri Baptist Children's Home

Missouri Baptist Children's Home is committed to serving God by responding to the needs of children, youth and families to make a lasting difference in their lives.

Values Statement
Believing that God ordained the family as the primary institution for nurture, growth and support of children, our services reflect the belief that "family works." We will therefore strive to find and/or establish families that work for those we serve. We will utilize our resources to equip families to be the best families they can be.

At Missouri Baptist Children's Home, we believe that we are called to minister to the hurting children, youth and families of our world. Therefore, we will provide an atmosphere of hope and faith as we model our walk with Christ in all personal and professional relationships. We believe that this ministry demands that we integrate the highest professional standards and practices with our Christian belief system, thereby providing the very best of care for our clients.

The goal of the services provided by Missouri Baptist Children's Home is to create the opportunity for each client to achieve his or her potential, while moving from an external to an internal locus of control, thus becoming self-sufficient, functional members of society. As a Christian agency, Missouri Baptist Children's Home supports the belief that no person can achieve his or her potential or function at his or her best without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Grand Oak Mission Center

Grand Oak Mission Center is a ministry of Greene County Baptist Association. Food and clothing given to those who qualify.

Pregnancy Care Center

Pregnancy Care Center (PCC) is a non-profit organization that provides vital services to seven counties in Southwest Missouri and is funded totally by the contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations, and churches within the community. Since opening in 2000, PCC has served over 237,500 young people with healthy pregnancy and relationship education, at no cost to the individuals served. Pregnancy Care Center is one of the fastest growing organizations of its type in the United States. Call 417-877-0800 to speak with someone at PCC.

Line Upon Line Ministries
David Miller – Evangelist

To Every Tribe

To Every Tribe exists to extend the worship of Christ among all peoples by mobilizing the church, training disciplemakers, and sending missionary teams to plant churches among the unreached.

World Missionary Press

An interdenominational faith ministry producing 48-page topical Scripture booklets in 340 languages, plus Bible study booklets and New Testaments for FREE worldwide distribution as the Lord enables.

Global Encounters (India)

God is working in and through Pastor Nazir Masih of First Baptist Church, Chandigarh, India. Nazir, obedient to God's call to plant a church, started with a Bible Study in his home in 1977. Fast forward to today, Nazir has helped plant 355 churches all across northern India. In addition, FBC Chandigarh sponsors 135 full time pastors/church planters. God is also opening doors to an additional 157 preaching points where no church planters have been assigned. For more information about First Baptist Church of Chandigarh and about Chandigarh Baptist School and Child Sponsorship visit their website.

International (Korea)

We serve the church and seek to bring the gospel to all the peoples of East Asia. We help place Christians with professional skills in China and other Asian countries, and share the love of Christ with East Asians worldwide.

Voice of the Martyrs

Voice of the Martyrs is an international, inter-denominational mission committed to serving persecuted Christians around the world by providing Bibles, Christian literature, ministry equipment, medical aid, practical assistance and advocacy. The Romanian Workers FundIn 1992 Pastor Ken Hemple, (now deceased), went to Romania to share Christ and distribute Bibles and Christian Literature. One result of that work was the raising up of 5 and education of 5 pastors, 3 of which continue to serve today. Their ministry has resulted in the planting of 26 Churches. Florin Enescu, one of the original five, now pastors in Bucharest and is also serves as the director of The Romanian Workers Fund. Money given to the “Fund” goes to purchase Bibles and to help support pastors in south central Romania.

ACT Ministries

ACT Ministries actively facilitates and finances sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and advancing the Kingdom of God.

Core Values:
Global Missions (Acts 1:8)
Evangelism (Matthew 19:19-20)
Dependence on God (Philippians 4:19)
Co-operation (John 17:20-21)
Biblical Stewardship (Matthew 6:19-21)
Financial Responsibility (Matthew 25:14-21)

We will:
Facilitate and finance indigenous mission efforts in Mexico and India.
Purchase land in Guadalajara and build facilities for the purpose of training leaders and reaching people for Christ.
Partner with the GCBA in new church plants as part of the Jerusalem Project in Greene County.
Facilitate and finance mission work in Springfield, MO, the United States, and among cross-cultural people groups, locally and internationally.

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North America Missions

Every year we honor the life and work of Annie Walker Armstrong (1850-1938) when we give to the annual Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American missions. As a tireless servant of God and a contagious advocate and supporter of missions efforts throughout the world, Annie rallied churches to give more, pray more and do more for reaching people for Christ. The Annie Armstrong website provides a wealth of resources for promoting the offering in the local church, including supplemental materials available only online.

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions

Lottie Moon was a woman passionate about reaching people for Jesus' name. She served 39 years in China. Lottie did not just live in China, China became her home. She took on the dress and appearance of the Chinese, to identify with the people. She wrote letters home to Southern Baptists urging them to become more involved in missions. Her letters began the pattern of giving to international missions, and with the first offering, three new missionaries left for China. Her life was one dedicated to the furtherance of the Gospel, and through it, many people came to know Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Today the offering is still used to further the Gospel by funding international missionaries.